RingEX by RingCentral

Streamline workflows with the RingEX integration for Zendesk.

Additional fees may apply
Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
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Detalles de la aplicación

Funciona con
Instalaciones completas
Precio (USD)
Free to install
Additional fees may apply
Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
See pricing details

Las aplicaciones se instalan directamente en tu cuenta

5 reseñas
almost 3 years ago

Thank you very much for this integration. Great Help!

almost 4 years ago

Finally... new version is released

over 4 years ago

Decent app

Sean Morrissey
about 5 years ago

Has its issues and no updates since 2016. A recent emails says they are updating, but no info to be found.

almost 7 years ago

We were not impressed with the integration offered by RingCentral. When we first started using Zendesk there were issues (not Zendesk's fault) and getting support was difficult. When the issues persisted nearly a year later we could not get any updates on the fix and eventually decided to end our service with RingCentral. We love Zendesk more and found that their Talk package met our needs and then some.

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