CRM for Zendesk

Enhance the efficiency and visibility of the sales support process.

Additional fees may apply
Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
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Detalles de la aplicación

Funciona con
Instalaciones completas
Precio (USD)
Free to install
Additional fees may apply
Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
See pricing details

Las aplicaciones se instalan directamente en tu cuenta

7 reseñas
10 months ago

Loved this app during the trial period. We will be upgrading to the paid version to better manage our leads for upselling. Would recommend as a cost effective solution for managing leads in the pipeline!

over 3 years ago

Great app! Really helped my team to track our deals! I recommend it!

over 3 years ago

The team at CRM and Deals have provided amazing support for us! We can now track our deals easily! I would recommend them to any business.

about 5 years ago

It's look good, but is impossible to upgrade my account.

Developer Photo
Response from developer
almost 5 years ago

Sorry for that. Could you send us an email via and we will help you!

over 5 years ago

I've created several pipelines for my sales strategy, and now I know my sales deals inside out. Best app!

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